New Year At Mirabella

Beauty Resolutions Worth Keeping At Mirabella Beauty Salon In Essex

We hope that all of our clients have had a fabulous start of 2023, and are thinking about all of their resolutions they have made. It's so important to try and turn your skin care regime into a beauty resolution so it becomes a habit. Skin care can be an important part of your self care regime, and the expert beauty therpists at Mirabella Beauty Salon in Chelmsford can help find the skin care to suit your specific needs. 

This is so important to us that we are offering a FREE 15 minute skin care consultation, and if you book a treatment during this consultation, you will receive 10% off that treatment.

Call us now to book your free skin care consultation! If you want some inspiration before your appointment, carry on reading for our beauty resolutions worth keeping!

Eyebrow and eyelash treatment at the best beauty salon in chelmsford

Keeping Your Make Up Clean

One thing that can really mess up your skin care routine can be something we all probably say that we will keep on top of! It's so important to make sure your make up brushes are washed regularly so you aren't putting bacteria onto your freshly washed face! By not washing your make up brushes you are sabotaging your skin care routine, so build into your rituals keeping your make up brushes clean!

Stop Buying Products You Don't Need

At the best salon for skin care in Chelmsford, we understand that it can be tempting to keep on trying new things if you aren't quite getting the results you want. However, there could be many reasons why you aren't getting along with your skin care. Our experts can help you understand your products, how to use them to get the best results and if or when it is time to say goodbye. 

During your free consultation at Mirabella, we can help you find the perfect skin care routine for you, either using a mixture of old and new products or just helping you to utilise what you already have! Call us now to book your consultation.

Drink More Water

This one might seem like an obvious one, but staying hydrated inside and out, is the most important thing you can do to keep your skin clear and fresh looking. The side effects of staying properly hydrated are endless but just a few include clear skin, hydrated skin all over your body and strength to your hair follicles. There are no downsides to keeping up with your water in take!

Another way for your skin to stay hydrated is to experience a hydrating in salon facial, which can deeply moisturise your skin, leaving you looking glowing and healthy. Call us now and we can advise on the best facial to suit your particular skin needs.  

Stick With Your News Resolutions At Mirabella Beauty Salon In Chelmsford

Let us help you to achieve your skin care resolutions this year with our Free skin care consultations. And remember if you book any treatment from this appointment you can enjoy 10% off! Call us now on 01245 348488 to book your skin care consultation now. 

Also, don't miss out on our Facebook Live Shopping Evening at 7pm on the 26th of January where Val will be sharing her expertise and telling you about our unmissable savings on our skincare products!